Szqe47ri R3aewdry

First name R3aewdry
Last name Szqe47ri
Associated to Warszawski Klub Carrom
Federated with Polish Carrom Association
Tourneys 2
Matches 6 won (33%) and 12 lost (66%) , 11 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 15th Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 06-24-2011 Clifyeai N2eeqzri 6 46 -58 362.00 30
2 15th Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 06-25-2011 6 79 -96 110.00 90