Ulmfk7va A7ue77rq

First name A7ue77rq
Last name Ulmfk7va
Associated and federated with UK Carrom Federation
Tourneys 4
Matches 12 won (34%) and 23 lost (65%) , 22 singles
Tourneys results
# Tourney Championship Date In team with Pts Bch Net Prize Rank
1 15th Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 06-24-2011 Mlue67ni Ajqezrmy 6 40 -16 296.00 33
2 15th Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 06-25-2011 6 108 -108 140.00 87
3 17th Carrom Eurocup Doubles Carrom EuroCup Double 06-19-2013 Hussain Mukith 6 39 10 12.00 30
4 17th Carrom Eurocup Singles Carrom EuroCup Single 06-22-2013 8 86 -68 136.00 97